Look it! A chocolate Santa!
I actually took a lot of pics but they were all blur since my camera is insanely hard to take pictures at night! *&!%#$#
A walking street with lots of food..
And music..What? That's it?! Well like I said most of my pictures were blur~ =P
The concert!
I stayed around for 1 band called Lipta or something.. They were really good!ROCK IT! jeng jeng jeng jeng jengggg~I find it quite odd that they have a fashion show before the concert. Pretty random don't you think? I could be wrong.
Ooo! Hot chick.. Snap*
Aw crap! ( My camera does has this 2 second lag when taking pictures at night)
Trys again*
@#$%! Another butt shot!
Arghh it all just ended up being blur.. so I gaveup~
Then back to the concert.. When I thought the fashion show was random, a banana tree came out of no where!
Found out that it was my friend who is a crazy fan of the singer.. Don't they use to give flowers back then? What will they use in the future??? Durian tree?
Oh.. that scale ruler is supposed to be his mic!
With no understanding of whats happening.. I waited then.
More thai words back and forth..
Guys runs up to him...
*wait.. wtf is he doing?*
Never seen someone so scared before my very eyes. Down on his knees with every dignity in him lost.. Poor him.
Some people from my class..
Remember the band from earlier?
My class took their place..
Ever Christmas is not Christmas without the.... DEVIL SANTA!!! ROOARRRRR!!!!!!
I couldn't help laughing to myself when I saw this.. It's a guy wearing this shirt by the way..My class took their place..
Ever Christmas is not Christmas without the.... DEVIL SANTA!!! ROOARRRRR!!!!!!